
Project overview

"The National Institute of Strategic Resilience (NISR) stands to advance strategic resilience and security for Australia, and our region. Rather than focus on disaster response and recovery, we focus on the integrated systems that underpin our long-term growth, adaptability, strength, stability and security.

We have a three tired approach to achieving advancement for Australia; delivering a National Framework for Strategic Resilience, developing decision support tools to identify systemic vulnerabilities and optimise opportunities, and a portfolio of projects supporting implementable improvement outcomes.NISR projects are developed around our core resilience domains: Sovereign & Democratic, Infrastructure & Services, Digital & Cyber, Supply-chain, Economic, and Environmental resilience. NISR acknowledges the intersectionality of our challenges and provides an integrated approach to problem solving.

Established as a charity, we use the rigour of industry best practice to define and manage our operation. Project management is led by our alliance partner, Gunggandji Project Management Pty Ltd, an Australian First Nations & Veteran owned business.

I invite you to read our project outlines and support our innovative approach to advancing 'Australia, Resilient & Secure'".
John (Max) Heinrich CSM - NISR Chief Operating Officer

Image of Simon Cullen AM


DFAT - Cyber and Critical Technology Program Independent Review (Update to follow)